A Journey to CJM
This post is a showcase of what Holo Alfa looks like, and a reference guide for how you can use it to make your blog shine.
Интересный взгляд на проектирование CJM с точки зрения . Коротко: люди судят об опыте на
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Use this simple psychology rule to improve your customer experience
- People judge an experience by the most intense point and the end point.
- The judgement is not made from the sum of the entire experience.
- What if you just focused on the end of the experience and tried to make that great? The checkout experience at a hotel. What could you do beyond express checkout to make it much better? What about giving you a bottle of cold water on the way out? Or a snack? What if they took your rental car back for you and just dropped you at the airport?
- The other thing that Kahneman found was that the length of the experience didn’t matter. He labeled this: duration neglect.
- As you storyboard out the experience for a new innovation, try to identify where a consumer could have a peak experience and how you could amplify it. And, then what delightful and unexpected experience you could provide?
- Daniel Kahneman — “When More Pain Is Preferred to Less: Adding a Better End.” The results add to other evidence suggesting that duration plays a small role in retrospective evaluations of aversive experiences; such evaluations are often dominated by the discomfort at the worst and at the final moments of episodes.
> People judge an experience by the most intense point and the end point.
> The judgement is not made from the sum of the entire experience.
New Packaging for Víspera Coffee by SDL — BP&O
Post by: Dr. Jekyll